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Freezing Wheatgrass.

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Where can I buy some wheatgrass?

Freezing Wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass juice can lose a good deal of its enzymes while frozen, but still contains much of the vitamins,minerals and all of the chlorophyl.So if there's simply no other way to get it or you managed to juiced too much and need a way to store it, then freeze it!



12/20/2007 9:28:25 AM
ken gravenhorst said:

thank you for info. I grow for friends and family fresh is not a option , by time i delever frozen is thawed and ready thank you so much.please update any new findings!

3/4/2009 12:09:17 PM
utpaliflower said:

Hi. I'm wondering if I can freeze the actual wheatgrass, without juicing it first. I actually don't have a juicer and am growing wheatgrass to chew on as medicine for my sore gums. I'm growing so much I realize I'm going to want to freeze it. Will it still be good if i do so?


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