Wheat Grass Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy some wheatgrass?

Where can I buy wheatgrass

Can I freeze it?

How can I mix Wheatgrass juice?

How do I grow Wheatgrass?

What about good quality wheatgrass juice?

How much wheatgrass should I take?

Recent Wheat Grass Questions

Q. Hello - I own a smoothie bar - and a wheatgrass grower stopped by and dropped off a flat - so the last couple of days I have been searching the web for information about WG - I found a very good smoothie recpt that my customers love - so my question is - I have been cutting the grass and adding it staight into the blender - not juicing it - do we still get the same benefits as if I were to juice it - or not? I have been also searching the web to find a juicer - many of my customers want to do a shot - but there are just so many out there - I cannot decide - if I want to make an investment - or buy a cheaper model to see how it goes? please help - thank you - Marleen Emerald City Smoothie www.emeraldsmoothie.com

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